To The Dreamer Bound By Fear

To The Dreamer Bound By Fear

I'm a dreamer. I day dream more often than I probably should and I think BIG. But if I were to be completely honest, sometimes, my dreaming stops there. It ends where it started, in my mind. While dreaming is exhilirating, often the doubts of "that dream is a little overboard" or "that would be impossible" creep in. More often than I'd like to admit...

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Leading Women: Why Discipleship Matters

Leading Women: Why Discipleship Matters

I don't think I've shared about this with y’all, yet. Which baffles me because it's been such a huge part of my life over the past 3 years. Or so I thought. Because as I looked back, I realized this has been infused in my life for well over a decade. I believe every woman wants to be led, and some women, in return, want to lead others. 

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