28 Weeks Pregnant Bumpdate

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Here we are again! Four more weeks have passed and it’s time for the next bumpdate. I’m officially at the 28 week mark, also known as, THE THIRD TRIMESTER!

Wowza, time just flies.

I can’t believe we are just 2 months from meeting baby Williams. We are getting some of those big baby items delivered to the house (crib, mattress, carseat/stroller, etc.) AND amazing friends and family are planning us some lovely showers. I just can’t wait! Calvin and I hope to squeeze in a simple, short and sweet baby moon to Fredericksburg, TX (so if you’ve been, please comment below must eats and must sees)!

**Don’t forget to read down below my reader’s advice for mama’s entering into the 3rd Trimester! Thank you to everyone who shared their tips and suggestions.


How are you feeling? I am very happy to report, I feel great! I’m doing my best to walk daily and do easy, at-home, body weight workouts like yoga, lunges, squats, etc.

How big is the baby now? At 28 weeks, baby is the size of an eggplant. Baby now measures about 14.8 inches from head to toe and weighs in around 2.2 pounds.

Where are you registered?
We are registered at Target, buybuy BABY and Amazon! I’m doing my best to polish up those registries daily, making sure I don’t have duplicates, or that I don’t forget anything because there are SO MANY THINGS I did not realize baby/new parents need.

Favorite part of these past few weeks? Hospital tour and mani/pedi! Calvin and I toured hospitals and it was wonderful! I’m a visual learner… so to have the opportunity to see exactly where we’d go if my water broke at 3 AM or see what my recovery room will look like, helped me feel at ease and more ready. All the nurses helped answer all our questions and we felt leaving more prepared. Also, this past weekend I was treated to a mani/pedi. OH MY. I was so relaxed, I almost fell asleep in that pedicure chair. I hope to squeeze in another 2 or 3 before I deliver. #selfcare #pampermama LOL


Current Movement: Kicks all day, everyday! Baby is also now stretching in there and this mama feels every bit of it. It’s definitely a different experience feeling them stretch than to kick or flutter. Also, the other day, I’m pretty sure a foot or arm was pressing on my ribs and that I felt a kick towards my back at one point. This little one likes to move, alright!

Current Weight: I’ve now gained 26 pounds! Start weight was 145 and now I weigh 172! I’ve noticed my weight gain has definitely slowed down some now. My clothing is very okay with that. ;)

Current Food Cravings: I’m still craving all the sweets. [But I am happy to report that I passed my Glucose Test with a 116!] However the craving for cakes and chocolate and caramel frappes and popsicles and Starburst Jellybeans is REAL, y’all. Speaking of, I may just pack a bag of Starburst Jellybeans in my hospital bag. HA!

Current Symptoms: Me and heartburn had never met before this week. GOODNESS. Heart burn is no joke! Also, I’m not sure if this qualifies as a symptom, but I now have what I like to refer to as a halfie - a half innie bellybutton and half outie. Haha! And lastly, the Braxton Hicks are continuing. I’m learning to breathe through them, drink lots of water, and reposition as needed.


1. Maternity Swimsuits

I thought I’d humor myself and try on my regular tankinis and one piece bathing suits in my closet. Mistake. I couldn’t even pull them all the way up! So I headed to Target to shop for these great maternity tankini tops and bottoms. I love that the pull up/fold over band on these bottoms!

2. Pregnancy Teas

As I enter the 3rd Trimester more and more of you have told me about the wonders of Red Raspberry Leaf tea. A few of you have even gifted me with teas! Like this one from Headwaters Apothecary in San Marcos, Texas. I’m enjoying trying these different teas and I know many of you have told me they help tone and tighten muscles in the pelvic area. Sign me up! ;)


  • Get an exercise ball to bounce on because your hips start to spread for the baby getting ready to enter the birth canal. That hip pain is horrible, instead of sitting on the couch I bounced. - @JabriaAnn via Twitter

  • Sleep as much as you can. Watch the shows. Have your pjs day. Nest. Get foot rubs and back rubs. Use Bio Oil for your skin. Eat what you crave. Do all things that bring you comfort. Walk a lot too! - Eva via Facebook

  • Compression socks. And walk that baby out! Stay active. Webster technique chiropractic care for aligning the pelvis/hips for delivery. - Kristian via Facebook

  • Rest! Nesting will kick in, but fight the urge to do everything at once. Be gentle to your body and save some of that energy for the birth. - Anel Facebook

  • Cold cabbage leaves help with any swollen feet (also will help dry milk up and keep tenderness down when you wean from breastfeeding)! - Ariele via Facebook

  • Get everything organized and ready. And enjoy it! Take lots of pics. - Zoraya via Facebook

  • One thing I would say is take time to walk. It makes a difference during labor. Also allow yourself to rest as those days will quickly be a thing of the past. - April via Facebook

  • Read to your baby every day! - Orfa via Facebook

  • Eat smaller, more frequent meals since baby is getting bigger! Helps to not feel so stuffed. Lol. Acv water saved my life with heartburn! Sleep when you can. Enjoy, and take a lot of pictures! It goes so fast! - Lindsey via Facebook

  • Have fun nesting. Take a break when you feel like you need it. Get comfy. Rest. Oh, one more: don’t stress about your hospital bag! - @Julieblacklock via Instagram

  • Take all the time you can for yourself. Go on lots of date nights. Also, DO NOT COUNT THE DAYS. - @ohhappyhotalings (Noelle) via Instagram

  • Don’t over pack your hospital bag! Just take somethings for you and maybe 1 baby outfit. - @heyitsthescotts (Del) via Instagram

  • Get all your outings done because you’ll be home for a good bit! At least I was. - @babeintheburbs (Adri) via Instagram

  • I did prenatal yoga, which was great for prepping for labor, with all the breathing, stretching and deep squats. Pedicures are amazing too! Having a little way to pamper yourself is a must! - Charity via Facebook

  • Relax while you can! Don’t be in a rush to have your baby. Go on as many date nights as possible, enjoy being a wife for the little while you have left just being a wife and enjoy the little moments left with just you and your hubby. - Kally via Facebook

  • Enjoy sleep as much as you can. Know that you got this and God chose you to be this baby’s mama! Also, ask for and accept ALL the help - meals, cleaning, etc.! - @coppeliamarie via Instagram

  • Get your hospital bag ready early! - @brower2014 (Amanda) via Instagram

Next bumpdate will go up at 32 weeks!! Let’s see what these next four weeks have in store for baby, Calvin and I! If you can’t tell, I’m loving and cherishing every moment of this journey and can’t thank you enough for your continued love, support, and prayers throughout this journey.

Do you have any advice for this mama (or any other future mama) on the 3rd trimester? Let me know below and feel free to share this with any of your pregnant friends!

Thanks for reading,

- Crystal

To read on my pregnancy, also check out:

24 Weeks Bumpdate || 20 Weeks Bumpdate || How I Told My Husband I Was Pregnant || Our Journey To Pregnancy